(Online VERSION)
AccountAccounting & TaxesChart of Accounts List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
AttachableAccounting & TaxesChart of Attachables List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
AttachableReferenceAccounting & TaxesChart of AttachablesReferences List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPurchasesMain Bill Table; used to pay bills, or write checks that do not apply to existing billsTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillExpenseLinePurchasesProvides expense line detail for a bill expense; contains all the information included in the Main Bill Expense TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillItemLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a bill expense; contains all the information included in the Main Bill Expense TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillLinkedTxnPurchasesBills Paid, Re-imbursed Expense Used/Not Used, Checks Used to Pay Bill; directly tied to the Main Bill TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPaymentPurchasesMain Bill Payment TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPaymentAppliedToTxnTransactionsPaymnet Bills Paid, Re-imbursed Expense Used/Not Used, Checks Used to Payment Bill; directly tied to the Main BillPaymeTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPaymentLinePurchasesProvides expense line detail for a bill payment expense; contains all the information included in the Main Bill PaymentTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPaymentTaxLineDetailPurchasesProvides expense line detail for a bill payment expense; contains all the information included in the Main Bill PaymentTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BudgetAccounting & TaxesChart of Budget List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BudgetDetailLineAccounting & TaxesChart of Budget Detail List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CheckPurchasesManual Checks NOT used to pay bills ONLYTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CheckExpenseLinePurchasesProvides expense line detail for a check; contains all the information included in the Main Check TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CheckItemLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a check; contains all the information included in the Main Check TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ClassAccounting & TaxesClass List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CompanyCompany & FinancialCompany Information TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CompanyCurrencyCompany & FinancialCompany Currency Information TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CompanyCurrencyAttachableCompany & FinancialCompany Currency Attachable Information TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardChargePurchasesMain Credit Card Table - Charges OnlyTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardChargeExpenseLineVendors & PayablesProvides expense line detail for a credit card charge; contains all the information included in the Main Credit Card ChTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardChargeItemLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a credit card charge; contains all the information included in the Main Credit Card ChargTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardCreditTransactionsMain Credit Card Table - Credits OnlyTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardCreditExpenseLinePurchasesProvides expense line detail for a credit card credit; contains all the information included in the Main Credit Card CrTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardCreditItemLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a credit card credit; contains all the information included in the Main Credit Card CrediTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardPaymentPurchasesMain Credit Card Payment Table - Credit Card Payment OnlyTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditMemoCustomers & ReceivablesMain Customer Credit Memo TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditMemoLineCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for a customer credit memo; contains all the information included in the Main Customer CreditTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditMemoLinkedTxnCustomers & ReceivablesCredit Memo apply, etc.Table Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditMemoTaxLineDetailCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for a customer credit memo; contains all the information included in the Main Customer CreditTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CustomerCustomers & ReceivablesCustomer List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CustomerTypeCustomers & ReceivablesCustomer List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
DateDrivenTermsListsTerms List Table (Date Driven Option)Table Relation Jumpins Detail
DepartmentListsDepartment List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
DepositPurchasesMain Deposit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
DepositAppliedToTxnPurchasesProvides Txn detail for a deposit; contains all the information included in the Main Deposit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
DepositAttachableTransactionsProvides Attachable detail for a deposit; contains all the information included in the Main Deposit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
DepositLinePurchasesProvides line detail for a deposit; contains all the information included in the Main Deposit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
DepositTaxLineDetailPurchasesProvides line detail for a deposit; contains all the information included in the Main Deposit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EmployeeEmployees & PayrollEmployee List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EntitlementsListsEntitlements InformationTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EntitlementsLineListsEntitlements InformationTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EntitlementsThresholdListsEntitlements InformationTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EntityListsCombined list of all entities: customers, employees, othernames, vendors; minimum common fieldsTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EstimateCustomers & ReceivablesMain Estimate TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EstimateLineCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for an estimate; contains all the information included in the Main Estimate TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EstimateLinkedTxnCustomers & ReceivablesEstimate Linked Transactions - Includes transfers to Invoice or Sales Order; does NOT include transfer to POTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EstimateTaxLineDetailCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for an estimate; contains all the information included in the Main Estimate TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
HostMiscInternal Table used to check for Quickbooks VersionTable Relation Jumpins Detail
HostSupportedVersionsMiscInternal Table used to check for Supported Quickbooks SDK VersionTable Relation Jumpins Detail
InvoiceCustomers & ReceivablesMain Invoice TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
InvoiceLineCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for a customer invoice; contains all the information included in the Main Invoice TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
InvoiceLinkedTxnCustomers & ReceivablesPayments, Credit Memos, Deposit Line Items; does NOT include reimbursements, transfers from SO or EstimatesTable Relation Jumpins Detail
InvoiceTaxLineDetailCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for a customer invoice; contains all the information included in the Main Invoice TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemGroupInventoryService ItemsGroup List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemGroupLineInventoryService ItemsGroupLine List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemServiceInventoryService Items List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
JournalEntryAccounting & TaxesMain Journal Entry TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
JournalEntryCreditLineAccounting & TaxesProvides credit entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main Journal Entry TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
JournalEntryDebitLineAccounting & TaxesProvides debit entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main Journal Entry TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
JournalEntryLineAccounting & TaxesProvides credit and debit entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main Journal EntrTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ListDeletedMiscList of Items that have been DeletedTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ModifyInwardGroupLineCustomers & ReceivablesInsert/Modify Only table to create/update item in GroupTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ModifyOutwardGroupLineCustomers & ReceivablesInsert/Modify Only table to create/update item in GroupTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PaymentAccounting & TaxesMain Payment TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PaymentAppliedToTxnAccounting & TaxesTable Provides Linked item detail for Payment; contains all the information included in the Main Payment TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PaymentLineAccounting & TaxesProvides line item detail for Payment; contains all the information included in the Main Payment TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PaymentMethodListsPayment Methods List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PaymentTaxLineDetailAccounting & TaxesProvides line item detail for Payment; contains all the information included in the Main Payment TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PreferencesListsPreferences List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PreferencesPOCustomFieldListsPreferences List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseCustomers & ReceivablesMain Purchase TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseExpenseLineEmployees & PayrollProvides expense item detail for a Purchase expense; contains all the information included in the Main Purchase ExpenseTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseItemLineCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for a Purchase expense; contains all the information included in the Main Purchase Expense TaTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseLineCustomers & ReceivablesProvides Expense and Item entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main Purchase EntTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseOrderPurchasesMain Purchase Order TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseOrderExpenseLinePurchasesShows Expense of Purchase Order Receipts; does NOT include transfers from SO or EstimatesTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseOrderItemLinePurchasesShows Item of Purchase Order Receipts; does NOT include transfers from SO or EstimatesTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseOrderLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a purchase order; contains all the information included in the Main Purchase Order TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseOrderLinkedTxnTransactionsShows Linked Purchase Order Receipts; does NOT include transfers from SO or EstimatesTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseOrderTaxLineDetailPurchasesProvides line item detail for a purchase order; contains all the information included in the Main Purchase Order TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseOrderTxnLineDetailPurchasesShows TxnTax Detail TaxLine Purchase Order Receipts; does NOT include transfers from SO or EstimatesTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseTaxLineDetailCustomers & ReceivablesPurchase Tax Line Details - Includes transfers to Invoice or Sales Order; does NOT include transfer to POTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseTxnLineDetailCustomers & ReceivablesPurchase Txn Line Details - Includes transfers to Invoice or Sales Order; does NOT include transfer to POTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ReceivePaymentCustomers & ReceivablesMain Receive Payments TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ReceivePaymentLineCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for a payment; contains all the information included in the Main Receive Payments TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringBillSalesMain RecurringTransaction Bill TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringBillExpenseLineSalesProvides expense line detail for a bill expense; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransactionTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringBillItemLineSalesProvides line item detail for a bill expense; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction BiTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringCreditMemoSalesMain RecurringTransaction CreditMemo TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringCreditMemoLineSalesProvides line item detail for a customer credit memo; contains all the information included in the Main Customer RecurrTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringDepositSalesMain RecurringTransaction Deposit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringDepositLineSalesProvides line detail for a deposit; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction Deposit TablTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringEstimateSalesMain RecurringTransaction Estimate TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringEstimateLineSalesProvides line item detail for an estimate; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction EstimTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringInvoiceSalesMain RecurringTransaction InvoiceTableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringInvoiceLineSalesProvides line item detail for a customer invoice; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransactioTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringJournalEntrySalesMain RecurringTransaction Journal Entry TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringJournalEntryCreditLineSalesProvides credit entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction JTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringJournalEntryDebitLineSalesProvides debit entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction JoTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringPurchaseSalesMain RecurringTransaction Purchase TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringPurchaseExpenseLineSalesProvides expense item detail for a Purchase expense; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransacTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringPurchaseItemLineSalesProvides line item detail for a Purchase expense; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransactioTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringPurchaseOrderSalesMain RecurringTransaction Purchase Order TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringPurchaseOrderExpenseLineSalesShows Expense of RecurringTransaction Purchase Order Receipts; does NOT include transfers from SO or EstimatesTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringPurchaseOrderItemLineSalesShows Item of RecurringTransaction Purchase Order Receipts; does NOT include transfers from SO or EstimatesTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringRefundReceiptSalesMain RecurringTransaction Refund Receipt Order TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringRefundReceiptLineSalesProvides line item detail for a payment; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction ReceiveTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringSalesReceiptSalesMain RecurringTransaction Sales Receipts TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringSalesReceiptLineSalesProvides line item detail for a sales receipt, contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction STable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringTransferSalesRecurringTransaction Transfer TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringVendorCreditSalesMain RecurringTransaction Vendor Credit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringVendorCreditExpenseLineSalesProvides expense line detail for a vendor credit; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransactioTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RecurringVendorCreditItemLineSalesProvides line item detail for a vendor credit; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction VTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RefundReceiptCustomers & ReceivablesMain Refund Receipt Order TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RefundReceiptLineCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for a payment; contains all the information included in the Main Receive Payments TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
RefundReceiptTaxLineDetailCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for a payment; contains all the information included in the Main Receive Payments TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ReimburseChargeListsReimburse Charge TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ReimburseChargeLineListsReimburse Charge Line TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ReimburseChargeLinkedTxnListsReimburse Charge Line TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SalesReceiptCustomers & ReceivablesMain Sales Receipts TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SalesReceiptLineCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for a sales receipt, contains all the information included in the Main Sales Receipts TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SalesReceiptLinkedTxnCustomers & ReceivablesProvides Linked Transactions for a sales receipt, contains all the information included in the Main Sales Receipts TablTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SalesReceiptTaxLineDetailTransactionsProvides line item detail for a sales receipt, contains all the information included in the Main Sales Receipts TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
StandardTermsListsTerms List Table (Default Term Option)Table Relation Jumpins Detail
TaxAgencyListsTax Agency List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TaxCodeListsTaxCode List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TaxCodePurchaseTaxRateDetailListsPurchase Tax related details of the Tax CodeTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TaxCodeSalesTaxRateDetailListsSales Tax related details of the Tax CodeTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TaxPaymentListsTax Payment List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TaxRateListsTax Rate List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TaxRateEffectiveTaxRateListsTax Rate Effective Tax Rate List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TaxServiceListsTax Service List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TimeTrackingEmployees & PayrollTime Tracking TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TransferTransactionsTransfer TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TransferTaxLineDetailPurchasesProvides line item detail for a purchase order; contains all the information included in the Main Purchase Order TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TxnDeletedMiscDeleted TransactionsTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorListsVendors List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorCreditVendors & PayablesMain Vendor Credit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorCreditExpenseLinePurchasesProvides expense line detail for a vendor credit; contains all the information included in the Main Vendor Credit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorCreditItemLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a vendor credit; contains all the information included in the Main Vendor Credit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorCreditLinePurchasesProvides Expense and Item entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main Vendor CrediTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorCreditLinkedTxnPurchasesCredits Taken, Re-imbursed Expense Used or Not Used - directly tied to the Main Vendor Credit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail