(Online VERSION)
Account | Accounting & Taxes | Chart of Accounts List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Attachable | Accounting & Taxes | Chart of Attachables List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
AttachableReference | Accounting & Taxes | Chart of AttachablesReferences List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Bill | Purchases | Main Bill Table; used to pay bills, or write checks that do not apply to existing bills | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
BillExpenseLine | Purchases | Provides expense line detail for a bill expense; contains all the information included in the Main Bill Expense Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
BillItemLine | Purchases | Provides line item detail for a bill expense; contains all the information included in the Main Bill Expense Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
BillLinkedTxn | Purchases | Bills Paid, Re-imbursed Expense Used/Not Used, Checks Used to Pay Bill; directly tied to the Main Bill Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
BillPayment | Purchases | Main Bill Payment Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
BillPaymentAppliedToTxn | Transactions | Paymnet Bills Paid, Re-imbursed Expense Used/Not Used, Checks Used to Payment Bill; directly tied to the Main BillPayme | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
BillPaymentLine | Purchases | Provides expense line detail for a bill payment expense; contains all the information included in the Main Bill Payment | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
BillPaymentTaxLineDetail | Purchases | Provides expense line detail for a bill payment expense; contains all the information included in the Main Bill Payment | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Budget | Accounting & Taxes | Chart of Budget List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
BudgetDetailLine | Accounting & Taxes | Chart of Budget Detail List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Check | Purchases | Manual Checks NOT used to pay bills ONLY | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
CheckExpenseLine | Purchases | Provides expense line detail for a check; contains all the information included in the Main Check Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
CheckItemLine | Purchases | Provides line item detail for a check; contains all the information included in the Main Check Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Class | Accounting & Taxes | Class List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Company | Company & Financial | Company Information Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
CompanyCurrency | Company & Financial | Company Currency Information Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
CompanyCurrencyAttachable | Company & Financial | Company Currency Attachable Information Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
CreditCardCharge | Purchases | Main Credit Card Table - Charges Only | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
CreditCardChargeExpenseLine | Vendors & Payables | Provides expense line detail for a credit card charge; contains all the information included in the Main Credit Card Ch | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
CreditCardChargeItemLine | Purchases | Provides line item detail for a credit card charge; contains all the information included in the Main Credit Card Charg | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
CreditCardCredit | Transactions | Main Credit Card Table - Credits Only | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
CreditCardCreditExpenseLine | Purchases | Provides expense line detail for a credit card credit; contains all the information included in the Main Credit Card Cr | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
CreditCardCreditItemLine | Purchases | Provides line item detail for a credit card credit; contains all the information included in the Main Credit Card Credi | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
CreditCardPayment | Purchases | Main Credit Card Payment Table - Credit Card Payment Only | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
CreditMemo | Customers & Receivables | Main Customer Credit Memo Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
CreditMemoLine | Customers & Receivables | Provides line item detail for a customer credit memo; contains all the information included in the Main Customer Credit | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
CreditMemoLinkedTxn | Customers & Receivables | Credit Memo apply, etc. | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
CreditMemoTaxLineDetail | Customers & Receivables | Provides line item detail for a customer credit memo; contains all the information included in the Main Customer Credit | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Customer | Customers & Receivables | Customer List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
CustomerType | Customers & Receivables | Customer List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
DateDrivenTerms | Lists | Terms List Table (Date Driven Option) | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Department | Lists | Department List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Deposit | Purchases | Main Deposit Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
DepositAppliedToTxn | Purchases | Provides Txn detail for a deposit; contains all the information included in the Main Deposit Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
DepositAttachable | Transactions | Provides Attachable detail for a deposit; contains all the information included in the Main Deposit Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
DepositLine | Purchases | Provides line detail for a deposit; contains all the information included in the Main Deposit Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
DepositTaxLineDetail | Purchases | Provides line detail for a deposit; contains all the information included in the Main Deposit Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Employee | Employees & Payroll | Employee List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Entitlements | Lists | Entitlements Information | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
EntitlementsLine | Lists | Entitlements Information | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
EntitlementsThreshold | Lists | Entitlements Information | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Entity | Lists | Combined list of all entities: customers, employees, othernames, vendors; minimum common fields | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Estimate | Customers & Receivables | Main Estimate Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
EstimateLine | Customers & Receivables | Provides line item detail for an estimate; contains all the information included in the Main Estimate Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
EstimateLinkedTxn | Customers & Receivables | Estimate Linked Transactions - Includes transfers to Invoice or Sales Order; does NOT include transfer to PO | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
EstimateTaxLineDetail | Customers & Receivables | Provides line item detail for an estimate; contains all the information included in the Main Estimate Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Host | Misc | Internal Table used to check for Quickbooks Version | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
HostSupportedVersions | Misc | Internal Table used to check for Supported Quickbooks SDK Version | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Invoice | Customers & Receivables | Main Invoice Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
InvoiceLine | Customers & Receivables | Provides line item detail for a customer invoice; contains all the information included in the Main Invoice Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
InvoiceLinkedTxn | Customers & Receivables | Payments, Credit Memos, Deposit Line Items; does NOT include reimbursements, transfers from SO or Estimates | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
InvoiceTaxLineDetail | Customers & Receivables | Provides line item detail for a customer invoice; contains all the information included in the Main Invoice Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
ItemGroup | Inventory | Service ItemsGroup List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
ItemGroupLine | Inventory | Service ItemsGroupLine List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
ItemService | Inventory | Service Items List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
JournalEntry | Accounting & Taxes | Main Journal Entry Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
JournalEntryCreditLine | Accounting & Taxes | Provides credit entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main Journal Entry Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
JournalEntryDebitLine | Accounting & Taxes | Provides debit entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main Journal Entry Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
JournalEntryLine | Accounting & Taxes | Provides credit and debit entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main Journal Entr | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
ListDeleted | Misc | List of Items that have been Deleted | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
ModifyInwardGroupLine | Customers & Receivables | Insert/Modify Only table to create/update item in Group | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
ModifyOutwardGroupLine | Customers & Receivables | Insert/Modify Only table to create/update item in Group | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Payment | Accounting & Taxes | Main Payment Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PaymentAppliedToTxn | Accounting & Taxes | Table Provides Linked item detail for Payment; contains all the information included in the Main Payment Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PaymentLine | Accounting & Taxes | Provides line item detail for Payment; contains all the information included in the Main Payment Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PaymentMethod | Lists | Payment Methods List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PaymentTaxLineDetail | Accounting & Taxes | Provides line item detail for Payment; contains all the information included in the Main Payment Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Preferences | Lists | Preferences List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PreferencesPOCustomField | Lists | Preferences List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Purchase | Customers & Receivables | Main Purchase Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PurchaseExpenseLine | Employees & Payroll | Provides expense item detail for a Purchase expense; contains all the information included in the Main Purchase Expense | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PurchaseItemLine | Customers & Receivables | Provides line item detail for a Purchase expense; contains all the information included in the Main Purchase Expense Ta | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PurchaseLine | Customers & Receivables | Provides Expense and Item entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main Purchase Ent | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PurchaseOrder | Purchases | Main Purchase Order Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PurchaseOrderExpenseLine | Purchases | Shows Expense of Purchase Order Receipts; does NOT include transfers from SO or Estimates | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PurchaseOrderItemLine | Purchases | Shows Item of Purchase Order Receipts; does NOT include transfers from SO or Estimates | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PurchaseOrderLine | Purchases | Provides line item detail for a purchase order; contains all the information included in the Main Purchase Order Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PurchaseOrderLinkedTxn | Transactions | Shows Linked Purchase Order Receipts; does NOT include transfers from SO or Estimates | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PurchaseOrderTaxLineDetail | Purchases | Provides line item detail for a purchase order; contains all the information included in the Main Purchase Order Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PurchaseOrderTxnLineDetail | Purchases | Shows TxnTax Detail TaxLine Purchase Order Receipts; does NOT include transfers from SO or Estimates | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PurchaseTaxLineDetail | Customers & Receivables | Purchase Tax Line Details - Includes transfers to Invoice or Sales Order; does NOT include transfer to PO | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PurchaseTxnLineDetail | Customers & Receivables | Purchase Txn Line Details - Includes transfers to Invoice or Sales Order; does NOT include transfer to PO | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
ReceivePayment | Customers & Receivables | Main Receive Payments Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
ReceivePaymentLine | Customers & Receivables | Provides line item detail for a payment; contains all the information included in the Main Receive Payments Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringBill | Sales | Main RecurringTransaction Bill Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringBillExpenseLine | Sales | Provides expense line detail for a bill expense; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringBillItemLine | Sales | Provides line item detail for a bill expense; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction Bi | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringCreditMemo | Sales | Main RecurringTransaction CreditMemo Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringCreditMemoLine | Sales | Provides line item detail for a customer credit memo; contains all the information included in the Main Customer Recurr | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringDeposit | Sales | Main RecurringTransaction Deposit Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringDepositLine | Sales | Provides line detail for a deposit; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction Deposit Tabl | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringEstimate | Sales | Main RecurringTransaction Estimate Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringEstimateLine | Sales | Provides line item detail for an estimate; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction Estim | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringInvoice | Sales | Main RecurringTransaction InvoiceTable | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringInvoiceLine | Sales | Provides line item detail for a customer invoice; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransactio | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringJournalEntry | Sales | Main RecurringTransaction Journal Entry Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringJournalEntryCreditLine | Sales | Provides credit entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction J | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringJournalEntryDebitLine | Sales | Provides debit entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction Jo | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringPurchase | Sales | Main RecurringTransaction Purchase Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringPurchaseExpenseLine | Sales | Provides expense item detail for a Purchase expense; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransac | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringPurchaseItemLine | Sales | Provides line item detail for a Purchase expense; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransactio | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringPurchaseOrder | Sales | Main RecurringTransaction Purchase Order Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringPurchaseOrderExpenseLine | Sales | Shows Expense of RecurringTransaction Purchase Order Receipts; does NOT include transfers from SO or Estimates | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringPurchaseOrderItemLine | Sales | Shows Item of RecurringTransaction Purchase Order Receipts; does NOT include transfers from SO or Estimates | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringRefundReceipt | Sales | Main RecurringTransaction Refund Receipt Order Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringRefundReceiptLine | Sales | Provides line item detail for a payment; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction Receive | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringSalesReceipt | Sales | Main RecurringTransaction Sales Receipts Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringSalesReceiptLine | Sales | Provides line item detail for a sales receipt, contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction S | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringTransfer | Sales | RecurringTransaction Transfer Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringVendorCredit | Sales | Main RecurringTransaction Vendor Credit Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringVendorCreditExpenseLine | Sales | Provides expense line detail for a vendor credit; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransactio | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RecurringVendorCreditItemLine | Sales | Provides line item detail for a vendor credit; contains all the information included in the Main RecurringTransaction V | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RefundReceipt | Customers & Receivables | Main Refund Receipt Order Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RefundReceiptLine | Customers & Receivables | Provides line item detail for a payment; contains all the information included in the Main Receive Payments Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
RefundReceiptTaxLineDetail | Customers & Receivables | Provides line item detail for a payment; contains all the information included in the Main Receive Payments Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
ReimburseCharge | Lists | Reimburse Charge Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
ReimburseChargeLine | Lists | Reimburse Charge Line Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
ReimburseChargeLinkedTxn | Lists | Reimburse Charge Line Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
SalesReceipt | Customers & Receivables | Main Sales Receipts Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
SalesReceiptLine | Customers & Receivables | Provides line item detail for a sales receipt, contains all the information included in the Main Sales Receipts Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
SalesReceiptLinkedTxn | Customers & Receivables | Provides Linked Transactions for a sales receipt, contains all the information included in the Main Sales Receipts Tabl | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
SalesReceiptTaxLineDetail | Transactions | Provides line item detail for a sales receipt, contains all the information included in the Main Sales Receipts Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
StandardTerms | Lists | Terms List Table (Default Term Option) | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
TaxAgency | Lists | Tax Agency List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
TaxCode | Lists | TaxCode List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
TaxCodePurchaseTaxRateDetail | Lists | Purchase Tax related details of the Tax Code | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
TaxCodeSalesTaxRateDetail | Lists | Sales Tax related details of the Tax Code | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
TaxPayment | Lists | Tax Payment List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
TaxRate | Lists | Tax Rate List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
TaxRateEffectiveTaxRate | Lists | Tax Rate Effective Tax Rate List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
TaxService | Lists | Tax Service List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
TimeTracking | Employees & Payroll | Time Tracking Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Transfer | Transactions | Transfer Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
TransferTaxLineDetail | Purchases | Provides line item detail for a purchase order; contains all the information included in the Main Purchase Order Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
TxnDeleted | Misc | Deleted Transactions | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Vendor | Lists | Vendors List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
VendorCredit | Vendors & Payables | Main Vendor Credit Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
VendorCreditExpenseLine | Purchases | Provides expense line detail for a vendor credit; contains all the information included in the Main Vendor Credit Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
VendorCreditItemLine | Purchases | Provides line item detail for a vendor credit; contains all the information included in the Main Vendor Credit Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
VendorCreditLine | Purchases | Provides Expense and Item entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main Vendor Credi | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
VendorCreditLinkedTxn | Purchases | Credits Taken, Re-imbursed Expense Used or Not Used - directly tied to the Main Vendor Credit Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |