BillItemLine | APAccountRefFullName | TO | Account | FullName | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineOverrideItemAccountRefFullName | TO | Account | FullName | Transactions |
BillItemLine | APAccountRefListID | TO | Account | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineOverrideItemAccountRefListID | TO | Account | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | TxnID | TO | Bill | TxnID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineClassRefFullName | TO | Class | FullName | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineClassRefListID | TO | Class | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | CurrencyRefFullName | TO | Currency | FullName | Transactions |
BillItemLine | CurrencyRefListID | TO | Currency | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineCustomerRefFullName | TO | Customer | FullName | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineCustomerRefListID | TO | Customer | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineInventorySiteRefListID | TO | InventorySite | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineInventorySiteLocationRefListID | TO | InventorySite | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineInventorySiteRefFullName | TO | InventorySite | Name | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineInventorySiteLocationRefFullName | TO | InventorySite | Name | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemGroupLineItemGroupRefFullName | TO | Item | FullName | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineItemRefFullName | TO | Item | FullName | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemGroupLineItemGroupRefListID | TO | Item | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineItemRefListID | TO | Item | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | SalesTaxCodeRefListID | TO | SalesTaxCode | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID | TO | SalesTaxCode | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | SalesTaxCodeRefFullName | TO | SalesTaxCode | Name | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineSalesTaxCodeRefFullName | TO | SalesTaxCode | Name | Transactions |
BillItemLine | TaxCodeRefListID | TO | TaxCode | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineTaxCodeRefListID | TO | TaxCode | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | TaxCodeRefFullName | TO | TaxCode | Name | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineTaxCodeRefFullName | TO | TaxCode | Name | Transactions |
BillItemLine | TermsRefListID | TO | Terms | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | TermsRefFullName | TO | Terms | Name | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemGroupOverrideUOMSetRefListID | TO | UnitOfMeasureSet | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineOverrideUOMSetRefListID | TO | UnitOfMeasureSet | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemGroupUnitOfMeasure | TO | UnitOfMeasureSet | Name | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemGroupOverrideUOMSetRefFullName | TO | UnitOfMeasureSet | Name | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineUnitOfMeasure | TO | UnitOfMeasureSet | Name | Transactions |
BillItemLine | ItemLineOverrideUOMSetRefFullName | TO | UnitOfMeasureSet | Name | Transactions |
BillItemLine | VendorRefListID | TO | Vendor | ListID | Transactions |
BillItemLine | VendorRefFullName | TO | Vendor | Name | Transactions |