TABLES - Employees & Payroll
BillingRate | Employees & Payroll | Billing Rate Header | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
BillingRateLine | Employees & Payroll | Billing Rate Lines - Per item | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Employee | Employees & Payroll | Employee List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
EmployeeAddtionalNote | Employees & Payroll | Employee Addtional Notes Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
EmployeeEarning | Employees & Payroll | Employee Payroll Information | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Entity | Employees & Payroll | Combined list of all entities: customers, employees, othernames, vendors; minimum common fields | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
EntityAdditionalNote | Employees & Payroll | Additional Notes of all entities: customers, employees, othernames, vendors; minimum common fields | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
EntityContacts | Employees & Payroll | Contacts of all entities: customers, employees, othernames, vendors; minimum common fields | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
EntityShipToAddress | Employees & Payroll | Ship-To-Address for all entities: customers, employees, othernames, vendors; minimum common fields | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
Estimate | Employees & Payroll | Main Estimate Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
EstimateLine | Employees & Payroll | Provides line item detail for an estimate; contains all the information included in the Main Estimate Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
EstimateLinkedTxn | Employees & Payroll | Estimate Linked Transactions - Includes transfers to Invoice or Sales Order; does NOT include transfer to PO | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PayrollItemNonWage | Employees & Payroll | Payroll Non Wage Items List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
PayrollItemWage | Employees & Payroll | Payroll Wage Items List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
TimeTracking | Employees & Payroll | Time Tracking Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
WorkersCompCode | Employees & Payroll | WorkersCompCodes List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |
WorkersCompCodeRateHistory | Employees & Payroll | WorkersCompCodes List Table | Table Relation | Jumpins | Detail |