TABLES - Purchases
BillPurchasesMain Bill Table; used to pay bills, or write checks that do not apply to existing billsTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillExpenseLinePurchasesProvides expense line detail for a bill expense; contains all the information included in the Main Bill Expense TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillItemLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a bill expense; contains all the information included in the Main Bill Expense TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillLinkedTxnPurchasesBills Paid, Re-imbursed Expense Used/Not Used, Checks Used to Pay Bill; directly tied to the Main Bill TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPaymentCheckPurchasesMain table of Bill Payments paid by ChecksTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPaymentCheckLinePurchasesProvides line detail for a bill payment by check; contains all the information included in the Main Bill Payment Check Table Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPaymentCheckLineLinkedTxnPurchasesProvides Linked Txn line detail for a bill payment by check; contains all the information included in the Main Bill PayTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPaymentCreditCardPurchasesMain table of Bill Payments paid by Credit CardTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPaymentCreditCardLinePurchasesProvides line detail for a bill payment by credit card; contains all the information included in the Main Bill Payment Table Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPaymentCreditCardLineLinkedTxnPurchasesProvides Linked Txnline detail for a bill payment by credit card; contains all the information included in the Main BilTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillToPayPurchasesList of Bills to PayTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ChargePurchasesStatement Charges TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ChargeLinkedTxnPurchasesStatement Charge Linked TransactionsTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CheckPurchasesManual Checks NOT used to pay bills ONLYTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CheckApplyCheckToTxnPurchasesInsert Only table to create a check to pay off a credit memoTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CheckExpenseLinePurchasesProvides expense line detail for a check; contains all the information included in the Main Check TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CheckItemLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a check; contains all the information included in the Main Check TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ClearedStatusPurchasesInsert Only Cleared Status TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardChargePurchasesMain Credit Card Table - Charges OnlyTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardChargeExpenseLinePurchasesProvides expense line detail for a credit card charge; contains all the information included in the Main Credit Card ChTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardChargeItemLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a credit card charge; contains all the information included in the Main Credit Card ChargTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardCreditPurchasesMain Credit Card Table - Credits OnlyTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardCreditExpenseLinePurchasesProvides expense line detail for a credit card credit; contains all the information included in the Main Credit Card CrTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardCreditItemLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a credit card credit; contains all the information included in the Main Credit Card CrediTable Relation Jumpins Detail
DepositPurchasesMain Deposit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
DepositLinePurchasesProvides line detail for a deposit; contains all the information included in the Main Deposit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseOrderPurchasesMain Purchase Order TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseOrderLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a purchase order; contains all the information included in the Main Purchase Order TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseOrderLinkedTxnPurchasesShows Linked Purchase Order Receipts; does NOT include transfers from SO or EstimatesTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorCreditPurchasesMain Vendor Credit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorCreditExpenseLinePurchasesProvides expense line detail for a vendor credit; contains all the information included in the Main Vendor Credit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorCreditItemLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a vendor credit; contains all the information included in the Main Vendor Credit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorCreditLinkedTxnPurchasesCredits Taken, Re-imbursed Expense Used or Not Used - directly tied to the Main Vendor Credit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail