AccountAccounting & TaxesChart of Accounts List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
AccountTaxLineInfoAccounting & TaxesAccount Tax Line InfoTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ARRefundCreditCardCustomers & ReceivablesAccounts Receivable Refund CreditCardTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ARRefundCreditCardRefundAppliedToCustomers & ReceivablesAccounts Receivable Refund CreditCardTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BarCodeMiscBarCode DetailsTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPurchasesMain Bill Table; used to pay bills, or write checks that do not apply to existing billsTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillExpenseLinePurchasesProvides expense line detail for a bill expense; contains all the information included in the Main Bill Expense TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillingRateEmployees & PayrollBilling Rate HeaderTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillingRateLineEmployees & PayrollBilling Rate Lines - Per itemTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillItemLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a bill expense; contains all the information included in the Main Bill Expense TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillLinkedTxnPurchasesBills Paid, Re-imbursed Expense Used/Not Used, Checks Used to Pay Bill; directly tied to the Main Bill TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPaymentCheckPurchasesMain table of Bill Payments paid by ChecksTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPaymentCheckLinePurchasesProvides line detail for a bill payment by check; contains all the information included in the Main Bill Payment Check Table Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPaymentCheckLineLinkedTxnPurchasesProvides Linked Txn line detail for a bill payment by check; contains all the information included in the Main Bill PayTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPaymentCreditCardPurchasesMain table of Bill Payments paid by Credit CardTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPaymentCreditCardLinePurchasesProvides line detail for a bill payment by credit card; contains all the information included in the Main Bill Payment Table Relation Jumpins Detail
BillPaymentCreditCardLineLinkedTxnTransactionsProvides Linked Txnline detail for a bill payment by credit card; contains all the information included in the Main BilTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BillToPayPurchasesList of Bills to PayTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BuildAssemblyInventoryBuildAssemblyTable Relation Jumpins Detail
BuildAssemblyComponentItemLineInventoryBuild Assembly ComponentTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ChargePurchasesStatement Charges TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ChargeLinkedTxnPurchasesStatement Charge Linked TransactionsTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CheckPurchasesManual Checks NOT used to pay bills ONLYTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CheckApplyCheckToTxnTransactionsInsert Only table to create a check to pay off a credit memoTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CheckExpenseLinePurchasesProvides expense line detail for a check; contains all the information included in the Main Check TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CheckItemLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a check; contains all the information included in the Main Check TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ClassAccounting & TaxesClass List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ClearedStatusPurchasesInsert Only Cleared Status TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CompanyCompany & FinancialCompany Information TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CompanyActivityCompany & FinancialUsed to Determine Last Restore OperationTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardChargePurchasesMain Credit Card Table - Charges OnlyTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardChargeExpenseLinePurchasesProvides expense line detail for a credit card charge; contains all the information included in the Main Credit Card ChTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardChargeItemLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a credit card charge; contains all the information included in the Main Credit Card ChargTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardCreditPurchasesMain Credit Card Table - Credits OnlyTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardCreditExpenseLineTransactionsProvides expense line detail for a credit card credit; contains all the information included in the Main Credit Card CrTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditCardCreditItemLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a credit card credit; contains all the information included in the Main Credit Card CrediTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditMemoCustomers & ReceivablesMain Customer Credit Memo TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditMemoLineCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for a customer credit memo; contains all the information included in the Main Customer CreditTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CreditMemoLinkedTxnCustomers & ReceivablesCredit Memo apply, etc.Table Relation Jumpins Detail
CurrencyBankingCurrencyTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CustomerCustomers & ReceivablesCustomer List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CustomerAddtionalNoteListsCustomer Addtional Notes TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CustomerContactsListsCustomer Contacts TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CustomerMsgListsCustomer Messages List Table (on Invoices)Table Relation Jumpins Detail
CustomerNoShippingAddrCustomers & ReceivablesCustomer List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CustomerShipToAddressCustomers & ReceivablesCustomer Ship to AddressTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CustomerTypeListsCustomer Type List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
CustomFieldMiscInsert Only Custom Field TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
DateDrivenTermsListsTerms List Table (Date Driven Option)Table Relation Jumpins Detail
DepositPurchasesMain Deposit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
DepositLinePurchasesProvides line detail for a deposit; contains all the information included in the Main Deposit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EmployeeEmployees & PayrollEmployee List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EmployeeAddtionalNoteEmployees & PayrollEmployee Addtional Notes TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EmployeeEarningEmployees & PayrollEmployee Payroll InformationTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EntityCustomers & ReceivablesCombined list of all entities: customers, employees, othernames, vendors; minimum common fieldsTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EntityAdditionalNoteListsAdditional Notes of all entities: customers, employees, othernames, vendors; minimum common fieldsTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EntityContactsCustomers & ReceivablesContacts of all entities: customers, employees, othernames, vendors; minimum common fieldsTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EntityShipToAddressCustomers & ReceivablesShip-To-Address for all entities: customers, employees, othernames, vendors; minimum common fieldsTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EstimateCustomers & ReceivablesMain Estimate TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EstimateLineCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for an estimate; contains all the information included in the Main Estimate TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
EstimateLinkedTxnCustomers & ReceivablesEstimate Linked Transactions - Includes transfers to Invoice or Sales Order; does NOT include transfer to POTable Relation Jumpins Detail
Form1099Accounting & TaxesMain Form 1099 TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
Form1099CategoryAccountMappingAccounting & TaxesProvides detail information about Mapping between Category & Account; contains all the information included in the MaiTable Relation Jumpins Detail
HostMiscInternal Table used to check for QuickBooks VersionTable Relation Jumpins Detail
HostMetaDataMiscInternal Table used to check for QuickBooks VersionTable Relation Jumpins Detail
HostSupportedVersionsMiscInternal Table used to check for Supported QuickBooks SDK VersionTable Relation Jumpins Detail
InventoryAdjustmentInventoryMain Inventory Adjustment TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
InventoryAdjustmentLineInventoryProvides line item detail for an inventory adjustment; contains all the information included in the Main Inventory AdjuTable Relation Jumpins Detail
InventorySiteInventoryInventorySite List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
InvoiceCustomers & ReceivablesMain Invoice TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
InvoiceLineCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for a customer invoice; contains all the information included in the Main Invoice TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
InvoiceLinkedTxnCustomers & ReceivablesPayments, Credit Memos, Deposit Line Items; does NOT include reimbursements, transfers from SO or EstimatesTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemInventoryCombined list of all Items with minimum common fieldsTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemAssembliesCanBuildInventoryList of assemblies that can be builtTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemDiscountInventoryItem Discount List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemFixedAssetInventoryFixed Asset List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemGroupInventoryMain Item Group List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemGroupLineInventoryDetailed Group information; directly tied to the Main Item Group List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemInventoryInventoryInventory Items List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemInventoryAssemblyInventoryMain Inventory Assembly TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemInventoryAssemblyLineInventoryProvides detail assembly information; directly tied to the Main Inventory Assembly TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemNonInventoryListsNon Inventory Items List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemOtherChargeInventoryOther Charge Items List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemPaymentInventoryPayment Items List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemReceiptCustomers & ReceivablesMain Purchase Order Receipts TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemReceiptExpenseLineCustomers & ReceivablesProvides expense line detail for an item receipt; contains all the information included in the Main Item Receipt TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemReceiptItemLineCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for a purchase order receipt; contains all the information included in the Main Item Receipt Table Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemReceiptLinkedTxnCustomers & ReceivablesContains all receipts associated with a particular purchase orderTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemSalesTaxInventorySales Tax Items List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemSalesTaxGroupInventoryMain Sales Tax Group TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemSalesTaxGroupLineInventoryProvides detail tax code information for a sales tax group; directly tied to the Main Sales Tax Group TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemServiceInventoryService Items List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemSitesInventoryItems Site List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ItemSubtotalInventorySubtotal Items List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
JobTypeListsJob Type List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
JournalEntryAccounting & TaxesMain Journal Entry TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
JournalEntryCreditLineAccounting & TaxesProvides credit entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main Journal Entry TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
JournalEntryDebitLineAccounting & TaxesProvides debit entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main Journal Entry TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
JournalEntryLineAccounting & TaxesProvides credit and debit entry line detail information; contains all the information included in the Main Journal EntrTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ListDeletedMiscList of Items that have been DeletedTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ModifyInwardGroupLineCustomers & ReceivablesInsert/Modify Only table to create/update item in GroupTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ModifyOutwardGroupLineCustomers & ReceivablesInsert/Modify Only table to create/update item in GroupTable Relation Jumpins Detail
OtherNameCustomers & ReceivablesOther Names List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PaymentMethodListsPayment Methods List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PayrollItemNonWageEmployees & PayrollPayroll Non Wage Items List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PayrollItemWageEmployees & PayrollPayroll Wage Items List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PreferencesMiscQuickBooks Preferences TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PriceLevelCustomers & ReceivablesMain Price Levels ListTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PriceLevelPerItemCustomers & ReceivablesPrice Levels List Item DetailsTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseOrderPurchasesMain Purchase Order TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseOrderLineVendors & PayablesProvides line item detail for a purchase order; contains all the information included in the Main Purchase Order TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
PurchaseOrderLinkedTxnPurchasesShows Linked Purchase Order Receipts; does NOT include transfers from SO or EstimatesTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ReceivePaymentCustomers & ReceivablesMain Receive Payments TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ReceivePaymentLineCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for a payment; contains all the information included in the Main Receive Payments TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ReceivePaymentLineLinkedTxnCustomers & ReceivablesProvides Linked Txn line item detail for a payment; contains all the information included in the Main Receive Payments Table Relation Jumpins Detail
ReceivePaymentToDepositBankingList of Payments Received to Undeposited Funds; ready for DepositTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SalesCustomers & ReceivablesCustom QODBC table that includes invoices, credit memos and sales receipts informationTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SalesLineCustomers & ReceivablesCustom QODBC table that includes invoice lines, credit memo lines and sales receipt line informationTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SalesOrderCustomers & ReceivablesMain Sales Order TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SalesOrderLineSalesProvides line item detail for a sales order; contains all the information included in the Main Sales Order TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SalesOrderLinkedTxnCustomers & ReceivablesSales Order Linked TransactionsTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SalesReceiptCustomers & ReceivablesMain Sales Receipts TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SalesReceiptLineCustomers & ReceivablesProvides line item detail for a sales receipt, contains all the information included in the Main Sales Receipts TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SalesRepListsSales Rep List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SalesTaxCodeListsSales Tax Codes List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SalesTaxPaymentCheckBankingMain Sales Tax Payments TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SalesTaxPaymentCheckLineBankingProvides line detail for a sales tax payment check; contains all the information included in the Main Sales Tax PaymentTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ShipMethodListsShipping Methods List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SpecialAccountAccounting & TaxesInsert Only Special Account TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
SpecialItemListsInsert Only Special Item TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
StandardTermsListsTerms List Table (Default Term Option)Table Relation Jumpins Detail
TaxCodeListsCustomer and Line Item Tax Codes; i.e. taxable, exemptTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TemplateMiscTemplate InformationTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TermsListsMain Terms ListTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TimeTrackingEmployees & PayrollTime Tracking TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
ToDoCompany & FinancialTo Do Information TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TransactionTransactionsTransaction List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TransferMiscTransfer TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TransferInventoryInventoryTransferInventory Transaction TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TransferInventoryLineInventoryTransferInventory Transaction TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
TxnDeletedMiscDeleted TransactionsTable Relation Jumpins Detail
UnitOfMeasureSetListsUnit of Measure SetTable Relation Jumpins Detail
UnitOfMeasureSetDefaultUnitListsUnit of Measure SetTable Relation Jumpins Detail
UnitOfMeasureSetRelatedUnitListsUnit of Measure SetTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VehicleListsVehicle List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VehicleMileageJobs, Time & MileageVehicleMileage TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorListsVendors List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorContactsListsVendor Contacts List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorCreditVendors & PayablesMain Vendor Credit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorCreditExpenseLinePurchasesProvides expense line detail for a vendor credit; contains all the information included in the Main Vendor Credit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorCreditItemLinePurchasesProvides line item detail for a vendor credit; contains all the information included in the Main Vendor Credit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorCreditLinkedTxnPurchasesCredits Taken, Re-imbursed Expense Used or Not Used - directly tied to the Main Vendor Credit TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
VendorTypeListsVendor Types List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
WorkersCompCodeEmployees & PayrollWorkersCompCodes List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail
WorkersCompCodeRateHistoryEmployees & PayrollWorkersCompCodes List TableTable Relation Jumpins Detail